Star Wars Quilts: Episode 2

This post is a continuation from yesterday’s.

After sewing all the strips together for two twin-sized quilts, I had to get to work on the silhouettes.  The Luke and Darth Vader ones were easy because I still had the silhouettes from the original quilt.

The key to making these quilts is to use the 805 Pellon fusible web interfacing.  I traced the images onto the interfacing, pinned them to the quilt, and then I ironed away.


It’s strange.  When the 805 works like it’s supposed to and peels off properly, you get fabric with an entire side of glue that’s ready to be ironed onto another piece of fabric.  For these, some of the spots worked correctly, but I had a lot of areas that simply didn’t want to cooperate.  This is where I had to go back and pin again.  The fusible interfacing to there to ensure everything stays put and doesn’t shift while being sewn down.

The next step was the cut out the figures.


I like to use gray for the lightsaber handle and satin for the lightsaber blades.  I had considered several other options before settling on satin, including glow-in-the-dark fabric.  But I couldn’t resist the sheen of the satin and liked how it “popped”.  I ironed the lightsabers on right after the figures were situated.


I used the close-set zigzag stitch and my duel-feed foot to trace around my figures and make sure they were secure.  After Luke and Darth Vader were ready, I moved on to my newer silhouettes: Rey and Kylo Ren.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Episode 3.

Related posts and blogs:

DIY Star Wars Quilt

Raising Darth Vader

Supernerdydadreviews: A New Hope

Author: Quest Quilts

Just your average citizen who loves literature and quilts and has an uncommon proclivity for both.

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